Some years ago, it dawned on me that I have not one memory of my mother ever saying "I can't sing." She definitely never said that to me or to anyone else. But I more importantly I noticed that she never said it about herself. She also never said that she could- She just sang.
This dawned on me in my adult life and made me wonder what impact that had. I'll never really know. But I do know this- kids listen. In the words of Peggy O'Mara, "Watch what you say- the way we speak to our children becomes their inner voice." So when it comes to matters of singing, I want to suggest that you simply don't judge singing at all- theirs or yours, as bad or good. If you feel inclined to say something, share how singing makes you feel. Or tell them you love singing with them. And if "I can't sing" accidentally pops out, just catch yourself and shift into an alternative habit of thought. Most importantly- Just sing. It's a million times good for your body and soul. And because we are celebrating mamas day, the featured MP3 is a song that was dedicated to and inspired by my mother, as well as a few other women in my life. To you, and to my Play Music mamas, Happy (day-after) Mother's Day. And to my mum- thank you. You have one of the sweetest voices I know. |
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Note from the EditorCheers from the other sunshine state. The kids call me Miss Sara, or Sara Dee. I am a globe-trotting Play Music and kids music ambassador. If you ask me how old I am, I will tell you- exactly one year younger than the last. I have a wicked penchant for music, guinea pigs, food, vintage, traveling, and instagram. This blog is here to share some of the (music) inspiration and happenings along the way. Glad you found your way here! |