When you sing, musical vibrations m o v e through you... like an infusion of the perfect tranquilizer- the kind that both soothes your nerves and elevates your spirits.
Releasing endorphins and oxytocin enhance feelings of trust and bonding (great for kids) and relieve stress and anxiety (great for parents!). [1] Say what?? MUSIC IS GOOD FOR YOU. And song is a special type of speech, preparing children's brains for language. Lullabies, songs and rhymes of every culture carry signature melodies and inflections of a mother tongue, preparing a child's ear, voice and brain for language. [2] So Play Music made something for you to commemorate all this fantastic news-
Our first collection of songs! Kids Play Music, Volume One. It is currently available as a FREE download and features 10 of our popular tunes used in the Kids Play Music programs and events. Spin this album every week (or day) to deepen the bond with your child, and to divert potential toddler meltdowns. Here's how:
Over the years I've heard parents using the songs for many different divergent tactics, attention grabbing, and calming techniques. So there is plenty more milage to get out of these songs, and whatever works best for you is always the best route to go. Enjoy the music, and stay young. 1 Time Magazine / 2 The Genius of Natural Childhood |
All published content and images are copyrighted material of Play Music, unless otherwise noted. When sharing, please provide proper credit. Thank you! FEATURED DOWNLOAD
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Note from the EditorCheers from the other sunshine state. The kids call me Miss Sara, or Sara Dee. I am a globe-trotting Play Music and kids music ambassador. If you ask me how old I am, I will tell you- exactly one year younger than the last. I have a wicked penchant for music, guinea pigs, food, vintage, traveling, and instagram. This blog is here to share some of the (music) inspiration and happenings along the way. Glad you found your way here! |