Music will not help every person fall sleep.
Some music and/or sounds cause some people (like me) increased alertness or even anxiety when aiming for dreamland. So observe your child's reaction to auditory stimulation while they are sleeping or falling asleep. The problem is knowing which of the hundred options you should go for. Here are five tips you need to know when buying or downloading music for Zzzzz's. 1/ SEARCH using keywords "ambient music" or "arrhythmic music." This means that the music will have no pulse, creating an enveloping sound with an ocean-like soothing effect. (Be aware of generic "Songs for Sleeping" albums which are often rhythmic and upbeat with melodies that actually activate brainwaves.) 2/ LONG TRACKS 20-30 minutes in length will prevent a break in the sonic atmosphere, creating continuity for an uninterrupted sleep cycle. 3/ YOUR VOICE can provide significantly more comfort than recorded music. Children's response to live music is different from recorded music. Babies are particularly responsive when the music comes directly from the parent. Singing along with a parent is for the development of reciprocal communication. [1] So before you hit play, hummmm and sing away for a few minutes. Their ears are your best audience. 4/ LISTEN through the entire track or album that you intend on playing. What another composer considers to be 'calming' may not be for your child. Sudden changes in volume, tempo, or sounds can be quite alarming and cause distressful sleep. So give it a spin. If something catches your attention, that is a red flag that it will likely do the same for your kiddo. If you fall asleep, well then . . . 5/ DOWNLOAD the mp3 below. There are 2 free tracks available, including an instrumental version (no vocals, as heard on the "Born Curious" kids album) and an extended version that automatically repeats the instrumental song for a total of 26-minutes. These are only available through our blog. Woo-hoo! Please comment if you have any sleep tips, tricks, or songs that have had the magic touch for you or your kiddo. I guarantee you extra karma points for this. And if you can use an artisticly stunning addition to your bedtime book collection, the wildly talented Charlotte Zolotow illustrated the newest version of "When the Wind Stops," as pictured above. It is a beautiful story that humbly illustrates how every ending is really just another beginning. When it comes to parties, I will look for any excuse to celebrate. I often get asked if Play Music is available for parties. The answer is yup, we sure are. Birthdays, Halloween parties, Hanukkah parties, anniversaries, fundraiser events, holiday parties- the list is a long and good one. It is always an honor to be invited. And it supports my above mentioned excuse making. For budgets of $10 or $1000, here are three options for spinning your party into a magical music memory: 1/ NO-COST MUSIC PARTY SESSION
If you are planning to keep costs low, there are a few options for spinning your pre-existing resources into a music party. For each of these activities I recommend you create a mini playlist (approx. 4-5 songs, more if you have them) of songs that are related to your party theme. My top picks are-
Writing this post makes me want to go dance and eat cake. How appropriate that I'm heading to a big-kid birthday tonight :) Contact us if you have any questions or would like to request a Play Music Party Session. And to wrap this post up with a bow of wisdom, remember that we don't need to make childhood magical. It is inherently magical. [1] So however you choose to celebrate- in the company of a few or few too many- I hope you enjoy the naturally magically moments. I hope you take less pictures and make more memories. Spin all your favorite songs. Shake your tail feather. Sing loudly. And party on, friends. Ps, for super great and free printable party decor and party favors visit Post header image c/o V. Flores Photography [1] Bunmi Laditan When you sing, musical vibrations m o v e through you... like an infusion of the perfect tranquilizer- the kind that both soothes your nerves and elevates your spirits.
Releasing endorphins and oxytocin enhance feelings of trust and bonding (great for kids) and relieve stress and anxiety (great for parents!). [1] Say what?? MUSIC IS GOOD FOR YOU. And song is a special type of speech, preparing children's brains for language. Lullabies, songs and rhymes of every culture carry signature melodies and inflections of a mother tongue, preparing a child's ear, voice and brain for language. [2] So Play Music made something for you to commemorate all this fantastic news-
Our first collection of songs! Kids Play Music, Volume One. It is currently available as a FREE download and features 10 of our popular tunes used in the Kids Play Music programs and events. Spin this album every week (or day) to deepen the bond with your child, and to divert potential toddler meltdowns. Here's how:
Over the years I've heard parents using the songs for many different divergent tactics, attention grabbing, and calming techniques. So there is plenty more milage to get out of these songs, and whatever works best for you is always the best route to go. Enjoy the music, and stay young. 1 Time Magazine / 2 The Genius of Natural Childhood |
All published content and images are copyrighted material of Play Music, unless otherwise noted. When sharing, please provide proper credit. Thank you! FEATURED DOWNLOAD
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Note from the EditorCheers from the other sunshine state. The kids call me Miss Sara, or Sara Dee. I am a globe-trotting Play Music and kids music ambassador. If you ask me how old I am, I will tell you- exactly one year younger than the last. I have a wicked penchant for music, guinea pigs, food, vintage, traveling, and instagram. This blog is here to share some of the (music) inspiration and happenings along the way. Glad you found your way here! |